
My Google scholar profile can be found here.

Papers in progress

"Selective Migration and Regional Decline: Evidence from Coal Country" [Job Market Paper] [Feature in the GSAS news]

awarded Ana Aguado Prize for Best Paper by a Doctoral Student, Harvard University

note: this paper was previously circulated under the title, "Job Loss, Selective Migration, and the Accumulation of Disadvantage: Evidence from Appalachia's Coal Country"

"Where does Air Quality Matter? New Evidence from the Housing Market" (with Tridevi Chakma) [Draft]

"Transitional Costs and the Decline of Coal: Worker-level Evidence" (with Jonathan Colmer, Eva Lyubich, and John Voorheis) [Draft]

"Adjusting to the Energy Transition: Transfers versus Training in Coal Country" [Draft]

"Climate Tradeoffs: Emission Mitigation Policy, Public Assistance, and Adapting to a Warming Planet" (with Joe Aldy) [Abstract]

Peer-reviewed articles and published working papers

"A Research Agenda for Economic Resilience in Fossil Fuel-Dependent Communities" (with Leon Clarke, Mark Curtis, Ann Eisenberg, Emily Grubert, Julia Hobson Haggerty, Alexander James, Nathan Jensen, Noah Kaufman, Daniel Raimi, Dustin Tingley, and Jeremy Weber). 2024. Environmental Research: Energy. [Paper]

“The Persistent Consequences of the Energy Transition in Appalachia’s Coal Country.” 2023. Harvard Kennedy School Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs. [Policy Brief]

"The Effects of Maternal Depression on Early Childhood Development and Implications for Economic Mobility" (with Richard V. Reeves). 2019. The Brookings Institution. [Paper]

"Achieving U.S. Emissions Targets with a Carbon Tax" (with Noah Kaufman). 2018. World Resources Institute. [Paper]

"Rural Dreams: Upward Mobility in America’s Countryside" (with Richard V. Reeves). 2017. The Brookings Institution. [Paper]

"Altruism by Age and Social Proximity" (with Mark C. Long). 2017. PLOS One. [Paper]

"What We Know and Don’t Know about Declining Labor Force Participation: A Review" (with Isabel Sawhill). 2017. The Brookings Institution. [Paper]

"The Economic Impacts of the Clean Power Plan" (with Noah Kaufman). 2017. World Resource Institute. [Paper]

"Putting a Price on Carbon: Ensuring Equity" (with Noah Kaufman). 2016. World Resources Institute. [Paper]

"Putting a Price on Carbon: Reducing Emissions" (with Noah Kaufman and Michael Obeiter). 2016. World Resources Institute. [Paper]

Research in the media